Dbf Viewer 2000 Free download is a handy piece of software used to open, view, and edit DBF files. For those unfamiliar, DBF (Database File) is a database file format used to store data in tables consisting of records and fields. [TOC]

Main Features

Some of the main features of Dbf Viewer 2000 Keygen include:

  • Open and view DBF files
  • Edit DBF data
    • Add, delete, and modify records
    • Update field values
  • Filter records
  • Export DBF data
    • CSV
    • Excel
    • HTML
  • Configure field properties
  • DBF file analysis features

Dbf Viewer 2000 Full version crack provides users a quick and easy way to inspect DBF files without needing to install a complex database management system. Its intuitive interface and variety of handy tools make it useful for both technical and non-technical users alike.

Dbf Viewer 2000 Keygen

Why View DBF Files?

You may be wondering – why do I need special software just to look at DBF files? Can’t I simply open them in Excel or Access?

The answer is: not always! While newer versions of MS Office may provide some support for handling DBF files, there are many cases where you’ll need a dedicated DBF viewer. Some reasons include:

  • Older DBF versions – newer Office versions cannot open all legacy DBF formats
  • Large DBF files – Excel/Access unable to handle very large DBF data sets
  • Corrupted DBF files – special utilities better equipped for viewing damaged DBFs
  • Limited editing features – more advanced DBF viewer tools facilitate easier data editing
  • Data analysis – viewers provide more robust DBF inspection and analysis functions

So if you ever find yourself unable to open DBF files using regular office software, Dbf Viewer 2000 Keygen is a fantastic alternative specially built for the job!

Key Features and Tools

Dbf Viewer 2000 Download free comes packed with a variety of features and tools tailored towards viewing, editing, and analyzing DBF files. Some highlights include:

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Disk Pulse Activation key 15.5.16 Pro / Ultimate / Enterprise Full Free Activated

Slick User Interface

  • Intuitive graphical interface
  • Explorer-style DBF navigation
  • Tabbed interface to open multiple DBFs
  • Solution Explorer pane for easy access

Robust Viewing Capabilities

  • Open DBFs in grid view
  • Filter records with criteria
  • Find/replace across fields
  • View design properties and statistics
  • View hexadecimal data

Data Export Options

  • Export DBF data to various formats
    • CSV
    • Excel
    • HTML
    • JSON
    • XML
  • Export filtered recordsets
  • Export data relationships

Editing and Manipulation Tools

  • Add, edit, delete records
  • Modify field definitions
    • Type, length, precision etc
  • Manipulate DBF structure
    • Add/delete fields
    • Resize fields
    • Rearrange field order

Analysis Features

  • Analyze DBF metadata and statistics
  • Show column summaries
  • Database comparison
    • Compare schemas
    • Compare record count

Additional Capabilities

  • Command line interface
  • Validate DBF file integrity
  • Repair corrupted DBF files
  • Customizable color schemes

As you can see, Dbf Viewer 2000 Keygen packs an impressive collection of features into one free tool! Let’s look at how it handles some common use cases:

Real-World Use Cases

Here are just a few examples of how Dbf Viewer 2000 Download free can be used to make working with DBF files much easier:

Inspecting Unknown DBF Sources

You receive a DBF file but know nothing about its structure, content, etc. Dbf Viewer 2000 Keygen allows quickly opening the DBF to:

  • Examine the fields, data types, record count etc
  • Scan through the data
  • Filter to find records meeting certain criteria
  • Export samples of the data for further analysis

Fixing Corrupt DBF Files

Uh oh! Your DBF file is giving errors and appears corrupted! Before trashing the whole thing, try opening it in Dbf Viewer 2000 first. Its data recovery tools may be able to repair the damage and regain access to those precious DBF contents!

Analyzing DBF-based Datasets

Need to analyze a dataset stored in DBF format? Dbf Viewer 2000 Keygen enables inspecting field statistics, comparing DBFs, exporting samples, and filtering down to subsets of interest – fantastic features for understanding DBF data in detail!

Populating a Database

You need to migrate a large DBF dataset into a production database system. Manually retyping millions of records is not an option! Instead, use Dbf Viewer 2000 Free download to export the DBF data in a format loadable by your target database, such as SQL scripts, CSV, or XML.

As you can see, Dbf Viewer 2000 Keygen lends a helping hand across a variety of situations involving DBF files. Whether you’re dealing with legacy DBF mainframes or embedding modern DBF functionality into new systems, Dbf Viewer 2000 has the tools.

Now let’s explore a few examples of how to accomplish common tasks with Dbf Viewer 2000 Full version crack:

Hands-On Examples

Here are some step-by-step examples of using Dbf Viewer 2000 for common tasks:

See also:

Openvpn Keygen

Opening and Viewing a DBF

  1. Launch Dbf Viewer 2000
  2. Click File > Open or click the Open file icon
  3. Browse to the DBF file and open it
  4. The DBF contents now display in the viewer
    • Navigate records using the grid controls
    • Resize, reorder, hide, freeze columns
    • View field properties by right clicking
  5. That’s it! The DBF contents are now easily accessible

Filtering Records

  1. With the target DBF open, click Tools > Filter
  2. In the Filter window, specify filter criteria:
    • Select the field name
    • Choose operator (equals, contains, greater than etc)
    • Enter filter value
  3. Click Apply to filter the DBF dataset
  4. Only records meeting the filter conditions will remain visible!

Exporting DBF Data

  1. Open the source DBF
  2. Click File > Export Records
  3. Select export format
    • CSV, Excel, HTML etc
  4. Configure export options
    • Choose file location
    • Specify encoding
    • Set other format-specific options
  5. Click Export!
  6. The DBF data exports to the destination file in the chosen format

As you can see, Dbf Viewer 2000 Keygen keeps common tasks like viewing, filtering, and exporting DBF data straightforward. Let’s round things out by covering who the software is for and where to get it.

Who Is It For?

Dbf Viewer 2000 Keygen serves a wide range of users who work with DBF files:

  • IT professionals – support/maintain systems using DBFs
  • Developers – build applications around DBF components
  • Business analysts – need to access DBF data for analysis
  • Researchers – use historical DBF datasets for studies
  • Students – learn DBF structure and techniques
  • General users – view legacy DBFs from old systems/storage

Basically, anyone needing a friendly application to open, edit, analyze, or export DBF data files will benefit from Dbf Viewer 2000!


Dbf Viewer 2000 Keygen is offered by the software developer SautinSoft and available from our site:

  • Download – installable and portable versions
  • Formats – supports dBase III-VII formats
  • Platforms – Windows (32/64 bit)
Dbf Viewer 2000 Keygen


To summarize key points:

  • Dbf Viewer 2000 enables easily working with DBF files
    • View, edit, analyze, export DBFs
  • Handy features for both technical and non-technical users
  • Great for unlocking legacy DBF data

So if you ever find yourself needing to wrangle DBF data files, don’t despair! Dbf Viewer 2000 Keygen has the tools to get the job done right. Check it out and see for yourself!

By admin

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